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The Much Much Show

A video podcast that brings guests from around the globe to discuss topical issues.

The Much Much Show is hosted by the co-founders of Much Much Media - Aditi Gangrade and Aalap Deboor. They are an Autistic couple, self-advocates, filmmakers, and entrepreneurs based out of India.

Our guest Eric Garcia talks about his ways of self-regulation, managing his mental health, his coping mechanisms, and how he deals with uncertainty as an autistic journalist. We talk about mental health of autistic people, suicide rates, bullying, and isolation.

Eric is the author of We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation and an autistic journalist and author.

Our guest Dr Wenn Lawson shares his life story as a 71-year-old autistic trans lecturer, psychologist, and researcher, going through transition at the age of 61 and marrying his wife Beatrice. He shares how as an autistic person he found a way to express his sexuality and gender identity much later in life, after being married to a man and having 4 wonderful kids, whom he loves dearly.

Wenn’s recent books are The Autistic Trans Guide to Life co-written with Yenn Purkis and a chapter in the revised and updated version of Temple Grandin’s "Different Not Less".

Our guest Aditi Sowmyanarayan shares her journey navigating the Indian education system as a non-speaking Autistic person. 

Aditi is an 18-year old published author and blogger from Bengaluru, India. She has written books like Talking Fingers, Small Stories, Big Thoughts, and With You Right Through.

Our guests Devrupa Rakshit and Swara Swami talk about disabled rest, needing space, and leisure for women. They both share their lived experiences of being discriminated against based on her gender and neurotype, their social difficulties, and navigating ableist systems with the support of the autistic community.

Devrupa is a journalist at The Swaddle and Swara, a music therapist, Berklee graduate, and Grammy-nominated musician.

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